Bundler | |||
coinbase | 27669303 | 8676166 | $60,636.44 |
alchemy | 24561456 | 10240582 | $111,169.01 |
biconomy | 16478418 | 17154194 | $133,234.91 |
pimlico | 16260173 | 12086984 | $99,606.19 |
Unknown | 11073762 | 6212625 | $35,040.62 |
particle | 1871549 | 1791713 | $302,528.99 |
stackup | 661922 | 675586 | $14,678.86 |
etherspot | 8864 | 9078 | $544.38 |
candide | 3491 | 4707 | -$71.23 |
unipass | 245 | 273 | $2.09 |
UserOps executed by bundler
UserOps executed by bundler
Revenue earned by charging a premium on UserOp gas
% of bundle txns that have multiple UserOps
# of accounts that had a UserOp bundled by each bundler
# of bundles that failed with AA25 nonce error or AA10 sender already constructed
% of bundles that failed with AA25 nonce error or AA10 sender already constructed
BundleBear was created to track the adoption of ERC-4337.
ERC-4337 is a standard for smart contract wallets, also known as smart accounts. The key features of the system are:
LAST UPDATED: 2024-12-02 00:00 UTC